Cupcake Wedding Cake!
Wedding Dress Cake
You will need approximately 2 to 3 cake mixes
Cupcake Liners
1 Large Star Tip
1 Package Wilton White String Beads
1 Roll Wilton White Fanci-Foil (can be purchased at Michael's or Hobby Lobby)
1 Large Board
1 Large Batch Decorator's Frosting (recipe follows)
Mix cake batter according to package directions. Fill cupcake holders about 1/2 full of batter. Bake cupcakes according to package directions, and let cool. Depending on how many people you need to feed, this will determine how big your cake board needs to be.
By looking at the picture above, you can guestimate how many cupcakes I used. The width of the bottom of my dress was made with 7 cupcakes, as were the next 4 rows were. I simply baked my cupcakes, then placed some of them on a large piece of cardboard to get the correct measure from top to bottom.
To make the exact size above, I simply laid 7 cupcakes along the bottom and about 9 cupcakes extending up the board, then marked the cardboard. Removing the cupcakes, I then cut the cardboard into a rectangle and covered it in white Fanci-Foil. (You may use aluminum foil, but the white Fanci-Foil makes the cake look more professional.)
I used decorator frosting to cover the cupcakes, while I used a large star tip to make the swirls. Once you place the cupcakes, there will be gaps in the cupcakes in some areas, and you simply make small swirls (or rosettes) to cover up the gaps.
Once the dress is completely iced, take your strings of beads and make as many even strands of pearls as you can by cutting them. Lay them in a straight line at the waist. If you want, you can make a rosette under the pearls and make ribbon "tails" as pictured.
The waist and bust area is made of 6 cupcakes. The sleeves are made of four cupcakes, and the sleeves are slightly offset and above the bust area.
Decorator's Frosting
1 3/4 to 2 cups Crisco
2 lb. bag of Confectioner's Sugar
2 Tsp. Clear Vanilla (I use Wilton, and can be purchased at Walmart)
3/4 to 1 cup water, more or less
In a very large mixing bowl, put in Crisco, vanilla and water (use a lessor amount of water to begin with), and then put 1/2 of the amount of sugar in. Start mixer on low, and then add a little more sugar at a time. If icing gets too thick while mixing, add water a teaspoon at a time, but be careful not to add too much---you do not want runny icing. After your cupcakes cool, load a decorating bag with your tip and icing. Squeeze out any air bubbles from your bag, and start from the outside of the cupcake to make swirl rosettes. If you are anxious, practice on a cupcake, removing the icing with a knife if it doesn't look right to you, and redo until you feel good about your rosettes. This cake is really simple and forgiving. In other words, it does not have to be perfect! This cake is so cute, its really not meant to be perfect...and trust me, your guests will be so impressed! This cake makes a sweet Princess Cake, too~just add a toy crown, necklace and wand! Check out Pinterest for more ideas! Happy Baking!

Here we placed a Wedding Dress Cake on a mirror I purchased at Hobby Lobby. Everyone loved it!
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